Systemic design is a holistic approach that integrates systems thinking and design methodologies, aiming to address the growing complexity of challenges by zooming out to reveal the structure of a system and then zooming in on the key points of influence. 

The aim is to generate environmental, social and economic sustainability. By following this approach, the output of a process becomes an input for another one, avoiding waste and creating new value. 
1. Holistic diagnosis
The initial phase involves a comprehensive and detailed examination of the company's value chain intertwined with its territorial context, aiming to capture a nuanced understanding of the interconnected relationships and dynamics.
2. Challenges and opportunities map
The Holistic Diagnosis results in an extensive framework facilitating the identification of various challenges impacting the present situation, reframing them not merely as drawbacks but as prospects for transformative changes that can enhance the overall system.
3. Evaluate the system
This stage aims to establish a collection of both quantitative and qualitative assumptions regarding the impacts of the project across various levels, providing the groundwork to envision the system's future development.
4. Systemic map
Finally, the solutions can be put into action, establishing a new reference model and outlining its evolution over time.
Politecnico di Torino, 2023
Students: Alice Fischer Schilling, Alessandra Linzalone, Doga Ozyurt, Federica Mancini, Gianluca Ghione, Giulia Galante, Silvia Cipriano and Shumei Zhang
Systemic design project


Systemic design project
